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Over the week-end of 19-21 May, a group of 16 people from La Bouille visited Whitchurch. This page relates the story of their visit. There are more photos on the 2007 Photos page.

English Tea

Our French visitors arrived in Whitchurch at about 4 p.m. on the Saturday. After meeting and greeting them, we gathered in Goring Heath Parish Hall for a traditional English tea complete with white table cloths and traditional English porcelain tea sets - all beautifully organised by Jenny Plumb.

When everyone was settled, it was time for the welcome speeches. All the speakers paid tribute to Trudy Skidmore who had been a stalwart supporter of the Twinning for many years.

Line Dancing

After the tea, there was a short break to allow our visitors to settle in with their host families, and then we returned to Goring Heath Parish Hall for the evening.

After aperitifs, we watched a demonstration of line dancing, led by Audrey Barclay and her helpers. The more energetic of us then took part, while the rest stood on the side-lines and were entertained by our efforts!

While we re-arranged the furniture (again!) and put the dinner out, Sally Woolhouse got us organised for the competition to match the names to the photos of us as children - not an easy task! The various dishes were greatly enjoyed and at the end of the evening, the winner of the competition was announced (Mme Annaick Le Delliou).


The Sussex Downs

On Sunday we rose early for a trip to Sussex. Our first stop was West Dean Gardens which nestles in the rolling Sussex Downs. We enjoyed our picnic lunch in a peaceful spot with a flowing stream, watching sheep grazing contentedly on a gentle slope on the other side of the stream.

We then explored the varied features of the gardens, including the Victorian glasshouses, the walled kitchen gardens and surrealist tree sculptures. All of which made for a relaxed and interesting walk.

You can visit the West Dean Gardens website here.

Next on our itinerary was Chichester. The central feature of Chichester is the cathedral. We arrived while Evensong was in progress, so we explored the small city's streets and shops while we waited for the service to finish. Once inside the cathedral we were able to appreciate its architecture and the blend of old and modern art for which the cathedral is famous.

You can visit the Chichester cathedral website here.

Sunday was rounded off with dinner at the host families' homes, with groups getting together to share the evening.







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